
What is Vijayadashami?
Vijayadashami is a Sanskrit word connecting two words Vijaya means victory and Dashami means Tenth day. Vijayadashami is known for the win of goodness over devil powers.
Why Vijayadashami is celebrated?
According to mythology Vijayadashami is celebrated for many reasons. But it is remembered for two main important events which were devi Durga Killed Mahisashur and Lord Ram killed Ravan. Vijayadashami exactly fall after next day of Navaratra.On this occasion in some regions of India people organize Durga Pooja .In some regions the statue of Ram, Ravan and Kumbhkaran is burn. The both activities represents goodness win over evil powers.
Reason Devi Durga Killed Mahishasur
Mahishasur was the son of Devil Rambh . He was born from the womb of a buffalo due to the boon of lord Surya given to his father that’s why he is known as the name of Mahishasur. He penance lord Brahama and ask him gave boon .According to this boon no men can kill him ,only he would be killed by a women. Brahma ji agree with it.After getting the boon he started troubling gods and sages .He gets controll on sawarg lok and devlok. The Devtas went to lord Shiva ,Bhrama and Vishnu to get rid of him,but no one was success to kill him.After Devi Durga appeared from Devi Parvati’s powers .She was given lion as vehicle and powers with weapons from Devtas . She invite Mahishasur for battle,he accept the challange. The battle prolonged for nine days and on tenth day Devi ready for killing the demon. When Mahishasur know that his time is over ,he requested devi after killing me keep me near your feet.Devi killed him and as he requested she puts him near her. When their is Durga pooja perfomed on Vijayadashami the Mahishasur statue of killed by Devi is there.
Lord Ram Killed Ravan
Raavan the king of Lanka was a Demon . He was the son of Maharishi Vishwasharva and Raksashi Kekshi. According to some Puranas Raavan was the gatekeeper of Lord Vishnu . He gets curse by saint. Raavan Kidnaped wife of Shree Ram .Shree Attacked him to release Sita Ji. So Ram prayed to Devi Shakti for win over Raavan. When Ravan was killed ,the day was just after ninth Navratra. So people started celebrating this win. From these incidents the day was celebrated as the destroyerer of evil powers.
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